Elective Units Offered Certificate I, II
and Ecosystem Management
Elective Unit options for Cert I, II & III are indicated below.
;Conservation and Ecosystem Management – Elective Units
Unit Code | Unit Name | Unit Code | Unit Name |
AHCBIO203 | Inspect and clean machinery, tools and equipment to preserve biosecurity | AHCPGD311 | Conduct operational inspection of park facilities |
AHCCHM201 | Apply chemicals under supervision | AHCPMG201 | Treat weeds |
AHCCHM304 | Transport and store chemicals | AHCPMG301 | Control weeds |
AHCCHM307 | Prepare & apply chemical to control pest, weeds & diseases | AHCPMG304 | Use firearms to humanely destroy animals |
AHCECR201 | Capture digital media for fieldwork | AHCPMG305 | Survey Pests |
AHCECR203 | Perform basic ecological restoration works | AHCPMG307 | Apply animal trapping techiniques |
AHCECR301 | Maintain native ecosystem areas | AHCPMG311 | Use firearms for pest control activities from aircraft |
AHCECR307 | Read and interpret maps | AHCWHS202 | Participate in workplace health and safety processes |
AHCECR309 | Conduct an ecological & cultural site inspection prior to works | AHCWHS302 | Contribute to workplace health and safety processes |
AHCFAU202 | Recognise fauna | AHCWRK211 | Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices |
AHCINF307 | Plan and construct conventional fencing | AHCWRK315 | Respond to emergencies |
AHCLPW201 | Operate a handheld GPS device | AHCWRK317 | Coordinate work site activities |
AHCLPW310 | Supervise park visitor activities | AHCWRK409 | Supervise work routines and staff performance |
AHCLSC206 | Assist with landscape construction work | AVIO0018 | Use firearms on an aerodrome to control wildlife hazards |
AHCMOM202 | Operate tractors | FWPCOT3325 | Operate four wheel drive vehicle on unsealed roads |
AHCMOM203 | Operate basic machinery and equipment | FWPCOT3326 | Recover four wheel drive vehicle |
AHCMOM213 | Operate and maintain chainsaws | FWPCOT3329 | Perform complex four wheel drive operations |
AHCMOM216 | Operate side by side utility vehicles | HLTAID009 | Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
AHCMOM217 | Operate quad bikes | HLTAID010 | Provide First Aid |
AHCMOM302 | Perform machinery maintenance | HLTAID011 | Provide First Aid |
AHCMOM304 | Operate machinery and equipment | HLTAID013 | Provide First Aid in remote or isolated site |
AHCNSY207 | Undertake propagation activities | MARC037 | Operate inboard and outboard motors |
AHCOCM201 | Maintain cultural sites | MARF060 | Apply basic survival skills in the event of vessel abandonment |
AHCOCM203 | Record information about Country | MARF028 | Follow procedures to minimise and fight fires on board a vessel |
AHCOCM302 | Work with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community or organisation | MARF030 | Survive at sea using survival craft |
AHCOCM303 | Follow Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols | MARI003 | Comply with regulations to ensure safe operation of a vessel up to 12 meters |
AHCPCM202 | Collect, prepare and preserve plant specimens | MARK007 | Handle a vessel up to 12 meters |
AHCPCM204 | Recognise plants | MARN008 | Apply Seamanship Skills aboard a vessel up to 12 meters |
AHCPCM205 | Fell small trees | SITTGDE013 | Interpret aspects of local Australian Indigenous culture |
AHCPGD207 | Plant trees and shrubs |

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